
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2019

Cara Belajar Main Saham: 1 Saham Saja di Portofolio

The only way to begin is to learn by doing. Here lies the greatest handicap of most investors. They have had no experience. Satu-satu cara belajar main saham adalah dengan melakukan jual-beli saham. Ini adalah masalah utama mayoritas investor pemula: mereka tidak punya pengalaman. Years ago, in wondering how one could gain such invaluable market knowledge and yet not pay a prohibitive cost in tuition, I thought of the plan of learning by always maintaining a position not in excess of a hundred shares of an average-priced stock, yet always striving to be long or short the most suitable issue of the moment. This plan takes a minimum of capital. It also results in a minimum of risk, as the beginner is forced to close one commitment before he opens the next. Beberapa tahun silam, saat memikirkan cara agar seorang pemula bisa mendapat pengalaman main saham tanpa membayar biaya "uang sekolah" (rugi) terlalu besar, saya mendapat ide cara belajar main saham dengan membeli hanya SATU