
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2021

Kapan Saat Membeli Lagi Saham Yang Sudah Punya?

Tulis Gerald M. Loeb: Belief that a stock is in buying range justifies a small initial purchase. If the stock declines, it should be sold at a small and quick loss. But if it advances and the indications which supported the original purchase continue favorable, additional purchase can be made at prices which the buyer still considers abnormally low. But once the price has risen into estimated normal or overvaluation areas, the amount held should be reduced steadily as quotations advance.     Kalau menurut anda saham layak dibeli, cobalah beli saham tersebut dalam jumlah (relatif) kecil. Kalau setelah itu harga saham turun, saham tersebut harus dijual cepat saat rugi masih sedikit. Tapi kalau harga saham naik, silahkan beli lagi saham tersebut kalau menurut anda harga masih (relatif) murah. Setelah harga saham naik ke harga wajar atau bahkan lebih dari wajar, sebaiknya saham tersebut dijual sedikit-demi-sedikit saat harga naik. ---###$$$###---   Menelaah tulisan Gerald M. Loeb di atas,