Trader Saham Cepat vs. Beli-Pegang-Terus

In 1935, when Gerald Loeb wrote his memorable book, investors could be divided into two main camps: the Buy-Holders and the Skittish Trader. . .

Pada tahun 1935, ketika Gerald Loeb menulis buku The Battle for Investment Survival, pemain saham dapat dibagi dalam dua kubu utama: para Beli-Pegang dan para Trader Cepat. . .

In Loeb's day, the Skittish Traders had a much larger following than the Buy-Holders, with Loeb as the principal spokesperson for moving in and out of the stock market: cutting losses, taking the profits and running, and getting out while the getting was good.

Saat itu, Trader Cepat lebih banyak jumlahnya daripada para Beli-Pegang, dengan Loeb sebagai pemrakarsa utama untuk keluar masuk dari pasar saham: cut loss, ambil untung dan kabur, dan jual saat kondisi sedang bagus.

--John Rothchild di Foreword buku The Battle for Invesment Survival

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