
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2022

Cara Tepat Membeli (Lagi) Saham

Tulis Gerald M. Loeb di buku The Battle for Investment Survival :     The right way to do it is to pyramid. I have a buying power of 1,000 shares. I think Studebaker is going up. I buy 100 shares. It doesn't go up when it should, or worse, goes down. I sell it out. The loss can be charged to insurance, or experience, or as necessary cost of getting started right. Next, I buy 100 Chrysler. It begins to advance as I anticipated. So I buy 200 more. It still does well, so I buy another lot. And so on. .  .    If these principles were always practiced, one would always be long the right quantity of the right stock, because the measure of what stock to buy and how much of it to buy is the action of the market itself.   Cara yang tepat adalah melakukan piramid. Saya punya modal untuk membeli 1,000 saham. Saya pikir Studebaker akan naik. Saya beli 100 saham. Ia tidak naik seperti yang diharapkan, atau lebih buruk, turun. Saya jual. Kerugian tersebut dianggap sebagai asuransi, atau pengalam